Monday, March 21, 2011

Historical Context

1.     On Jan. 30 1933 Adolf Hitler becomes in charge. He became the Chancellor of Germany. The Nazis made a big celebration to Hitler.
2.     On September 1st 1939, Germany invaded Poland without warning. That invasion made the start of World War Two. The invasion had 2 different phases, Phase 1 was the invasion and phase 2 was the Soviet invasion.
3.     September 3rd, Britain and France were at war with Germany and within a week, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and South Africa had also joined the war. Hitler accused Britain of encouraging Poland to pursue a policy and that triggered Britain to go to war with Germany. This was an international event.
4.     On May 15, 1940 Holland surrendered to Nazis. The Netherlands wanted to stay neutral but that did not happen when the Nazis invaded them. Most of the Jews were deported to the concentration camps. 
5.   On November 5, 1940, Theodore Roosevelt is re-elected U.S president. He tried to fix issues oversea but then he got polio, which paralyzed his legs but then got some strength later on. He met up with the leaders of the other nations and discussed about war strategies.  
6.     Japan attacks Pearl Harbor in Hawaii in the morning of December 7 1941. It was a surprise attack. 2,402 men were killed and 1,282 were wounded. 
7.     On December 8, 1941 Roosevelt declares war on japan. He declared war because of the attack of Pearl Harbor. It led America into ww2.
8.     On January 26 , 1942 the first American forces arrive at Great Britain. The U.S president needed more time to plan the attacks. This gave hope to Jews, that they were going to be saved.
9.     In August 17, 1942 Americans capture Palermo, Sicily. It lasted 6 weeks. This opened a way to the Allied invasion of Italy.
10.  In June 1944 America invades Normandy. This gave Jews in Europe hope. It was the largest invasion in world history, with over 160,000 troops. 
11.  On April 30, 1945 Adolf Hitler commits suicide. There is a controversy of how he died. Him and his wife committed suicide.
12.  On August 6, 1945 America drops the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and also on August 9 over Nagaski. These bombs killed many civilians. On August 15 japan surrenders.

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